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CO2 as a business opportunity?


Capturing CO2 and turning it into commercial products, such as fuels or construction materials, could become a new global industry, according to a new study published in #Nature

According to the authors, the capture and use of CO2 to create valuable products might lower the net costs of reducing emissions or removing CO2 from the atmosphere. They have reported ten pathways for the utilization of CO2 (see the image below). Pathways that involve chemicals, fuels and microalgae might reduce emissions of CO2 but have limited potential for its removal, whereas pathways that involve construction materials can both utilize and remove CO2. Land-based pathways can increase agricultural output and remove CO2. Our assessment suggests that each pathway could scale to over 0.5 gigatonnes of CO2 utilization annually. However, barriers to implementation remain substantial and resource constraints prevent the simultaneous deployment of all pathways.

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