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CO2MakingOver is a scientific website where you can find all the latest news in CO2 capture, storage and utilisation, articles and updates on upcoming events.
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Rodolfo Marin Rivera

Writer, Admin

Since my childhood I’ve been linked to the mining world, as I was born in a small town located in the north of Chile next to the biggest copper mining company, Chuquicamata. Therefore, my taste for metal was  inevitable: in Music and in Science. After many attempts to form a heavy metal band to fulfil my "thirst" for metal, I found a most passionate way to do it. Thus, in 2008, I graduated as Metallurgical Engineering, and I worked for 3 years at the Mining & Metallurgical Innovation Institute of Codelco-Chile. However, I decided to go further with this relationship between metal and science, and I decided to make my childhood dream true: I came to Europe to continue my studies. Thus, in 2014 I graduated with a M.Sc. in Metallurgical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and I became a “Master of Metal”, but it was not enough as later I also graduated from my PhD in Chemical Engineering from KU Leuven (Belgium). 
When I’m not in the lab, I enjoy travelling, watching sci-fi movies and attending some metal festivals around Europe... I really like to travel and to meet new people, and time to time I go for some “Spartan” physical training. 

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